Security shows 0.00 on Portfolio, Valuation, or other report

The most common reason for the stock not showing a price is because it is not traded on one of the regular markets that we follow.
If a stock is listed on on OTC or PNK market, we do not receive regular price updates for it.

If you aren't sure, this can be checked at a site like by entering the company ticker symbol.
From the, enter a ticker symbol such as CWBHF, and click search, or just tap the Enter key on the keyboard.
Near the top of the page, under the company name, you will see a listing for the market. If it shows OTC, or PNK, that means the stock is on a market we do not track, and will not receive price updates for.
By comparison, if the market shows NYSE or NASDAQ, the stock will get regular price updates as long as the ticker symbol is valid.

This doesn't mean the stock price has to show 0.00 on the Portfolio page or valuation report at all times, though. When you create a valuation, manually enter the price for the security at that time; the system will remember the price you enter, and display it on the Portfolio (or any page where the stock price might show up) until you create a new valuation.