Former stocks (sold off stocks) show up / appear in the portfolio reports

The most common reason for a sold off security to show in one of these reports is that there is some fractional share or cost basis left over after the final sale of the stock(s) in question. The easiest way to correct this will usually be to re-do the final sale for the stock. Doing so will have the system audit the transaction, and correct the issue. We suggest to have a pen or pencil, and a pad of paper handy when taking the following steps:

First, make a backup of the current club records

1. Go to Accounting > Utilities > Backup Manager
2. Click the Make Backup button. The site will take a few seconds, and then show a new entry in the list of backups. The backup will show the club name, as well as the day and time the backup was made.

Once you have the backup made:

1. When you are signed in to Club Accounting Online, go to Reports. Select Individual Security Ledger, and then click View Report.
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
3. Near the bottom, there will be a box showing a From and To date, as well as a list of stocks.
4. Set the From date to the beginning of the year that the stock you want to correct was sold.
5. Scroll through the list of stocks, and click the one that you want to correct.
6. With that stock selected, click the Submit button.
7. Find the final Sell Security transaction, and click on the two word description to bring up the details of the sale.
8. Make note of the transaction details, such as the date, amount, and the account used.
9. Click Edit to begin re-entering the transaction. By default, Club Accounting will remember all of the details, so you should not need to make any changes, simply click Continue or Submit as needed to complete the transaction.

If you find that there is some fractional share or cost basis left over after this, the same process can be used to re-check any transaction for the stock. The most common transactions to use this on will be Splits, Buys and Sells. If this becomes necessary, it will be best to start with the first Stock Split, or Stock Sell in the transaction history for the stock in question, and then work your way forward through the stock's history.

If you have re-checked all transactions for the stock, and the shares or cost basis continues to appear, please contact support to let us know.