The Member Deposits report shows all payments, fees, and withdrawals made by members between specified dates. Use this report to help you keep track of member payments and fees.
Member Deposits Report Options
You can specify the starting and ending date for the report, and you can specify the members included in the report. The options are available the box labeled “Show transactions.”
Enter the starting and ending dates for the report in the “from” and “to” boxes.
Click the “Select All Members” button to include all club members in the report. Alternatively, you can select from the list of members using the “CTRL” and “Shift” keys. An asterisk denotes inactive members.
Click “Submit” to generate the report with the new selections.
Member Deposits Report Description
Club Accounting Online organizes the report with members’ listed in rows and dates listed in columns. If the number of dates exceeds the width of the page, Club Accounting Online presents the report in multiple sections. Each column shows member contributions on that date. The report shows the total of each column is totaled for each section.