Portfolio Summary

The Portfolio Summary Report consolidates information from the other portfolio reports, showing important information on the stocks that the club holds; this report is intended to help give an overview of portfolio, and encourage the club to investigate further on whether stocks should be bought, held or sold. All the judgment-related items in this report use proxy judgment based on Analyst Consensus Estimates (ACE) of EPS growth, not on the club’s history with the individual stocks.

Portfolio Summary Description

The Portfolio Summary is divided up into several sections

  • Ticker, Company, Date, Price: These first columns show general information on the stock, including its ticker, name, date of last closing, and the price on that date.
  • P/E: The P/E ratio based on the current price, and earnings for the individual stock.
  • Total Return: The potential total return for the stock, based on Analyst Consensus Estimates (ACE) of EPS growth
  • Relative Value: A comparison between the Current and Average P/E. While there is no ‘perfect’ Relative Value, we general consider a good relative value as something between 90 and 110.
  • Reward/Risk: Calculated by dividing the “distance” from the current price to the potential high price and dividing it by the “distance” from the current price to the potential low price. As with the Relative Value, there is no ‘perfect number, but 3 (3 to 1 on an ssg) is generally considered a good number that offers the potential to triple your money if the stock reaches and is sold at its high price.
  • Buy Below and Sell Above: A range of prices in which the stock could be bought or sold, and expected to give a good return for the club. As with the Total Return, Relative Value, and Reward/Risk figures, these are calculated using an Analyst Consensus Estimates (ACE) of EPS growth.

% Portfolio: The percent of total value of the security to the total market value of the portfolio.