The Sold Securities report shows information on securities that the club has entirely sold off. The intent of the report is to illustrate the club’s gain or loss on a stock, and how that stock has performed in the market after the club has sold it.
The Sold Securities report consists of several columns, broken down into two main sections; the club’s history with the security, and the security’s performance in the market since being sold by the club. It is important to keep in mind when reading this report that the Cost, Proceeds and Gain/Loss figures that show up here are calculated on the FINAL sale of the stock, not the club’s entire history.
The first six columns detail the clubs history with the stock, including:
The next three columns detail the performance of the security on the open market after the its sale date.
By default, the report shows stocks sold over the last 12 months. You can adjust this by changing the From and To dates in the Show sold securities section below the report, or click the Show sold securities for all dates, to show a complete listing of all stocks that the club has sold.