Use this page to send an individual invitation to a single member.
If you need to send invitations to multiple members, we would suggest to use the Send Invitations link on the left hand side of the people page, instead.
On this page, you will see a section for a personal message, as well as the name, and email address of the member who will receive the invitation email.
After filling in the member's email address (if this hasn't been done already), clicking the Bring Online button will send the member an email similar to the following:
Hi Bronco Billy,
You have been invited to join an online investment club by Your Treasurer. To join this club, just follow this link:
Dear Bronco,
Now that you have an e-mail address, come join our club web site!
Your Treasurer
the team
The text above and below the dashed lines are pre-set, and will always show up; the text between the dashed lines however can be edited before clicking the Bring Online button.
NOTE: The invitation code, and link that comes as part of the email is unique to each member, and can only be used once. If a member clicks on the link in the invitation email, but does not complete the form to create a login and password, they will need to have the invitation re-sent