If you are encountering trouble registering any of our desktop programs, or seeing a message that there might be a problem with your internet connection, the most common reason is that the program needs to be set to run as an administrator.
In addition, we have seen cases where other programs or computer settings can cause trouble. If your program is already set to run as an administrator (Toolkit is set this way by default), and is still having trouble connecting, we have found the following alternate causes:
NETWORK ADAPTERS: It’s a rare issue, but we have seen a couple of cases (usually involving laptop computers), where the piece of hardware in the computer that controls whether your computer connects to the internet or not can be turned off if Windows thinks that you are not using the Internet. If you find that your copy of Internet Explorer is periodically getting reset to ‘Work Offline’, this might be happening to you. In that case, we can suggest to try the following to adjust the settings for the network adaptor in Windows:
For Windows 8 | For all other copies of Windows |
Once in the device manager window, the steps are the same for all copies of Windows:
IObit Malware Fighter: We have seen several cases where this behavior was caused by a security program, IObit Malware Fighter. This has most commonly been an issue with Toolkit6. In cases where we have found this program installed, exiting the IObit program and re-starting our software has at least temporarily eliminated the issue. From the cases we have run into the only 100% certain solution was to uninstall the IObit program.
Other security software: While we have seen specific problems with some security software, we suggest to look for and turn off any security program that you can see listed in the lower right-hand corner of your computer screen, and then re-open our software. While the IObit Malware Fighter has been identified as a culprit several times, it's certainly possible that another security program may have a similar effect.
If you find that turning one of these programs off, then re-opening your our software allows it to work, we would strongly suggest to contact the support team for that software, and ask if they have a way to make sure that their software will not interfere with any program or file in the C:\ProgramFiles\ICLUBcentral\
If you do not see any security software listed in the lower right-hand corner of the computer screen, or do not see an obvious setting to turn one off, You may also wish to check one of the following pages on turning off antivirus software:
If turning these programs off, and restarting our software does not change the behavior, or if you have only Microsoft security programs installed, please continue with the steps listed below.
Unable to reach certain sites: One of the ways our software checks for an active internet connection is to try to connect to www.google.com; if it cannot connect to www.google.com, You will see an error message that it cannot connect, or that an internet connection needs to be established.
The first, and easiest test to see if there is an issue will be to open Internet Explorer, and see if it can connect to www.google.com
Internet Explorer does not need to be set as the default browser, but it does need to be installed and working correctly on the computer, since our software uses it in the background to check for an internet connection.
First, go to the Programs listing in your Start menu. If you are using Windows Vista, or Windows 7, you can also type Internet Explorer into the Start Search box. If Internet Explorer does not show up, we suggest to check with someone trained to troubleshoot Microsoft Windows; the process to remove or disable Internet Explorer cannot be done accidentally, and you would likely need some help in making it active again.
If you DO find Internet Explorer in the list of programs, please check the following:
Open Internet Explorer, and double-check that it can connect to www.google.com
If you have a Google account, and end up at https://www.google.com, this is OK.
If you are able to get to www.google.com, then please close Internet Explorer, and skip to the section below on Internet Options.
If Internet Explorer cannot connect to www.google.com, please check that it is not set to 'Work Offline Mode':
If you still cannot get to google.com, please continue to the section on Internet Options.
Internet Options
----There are a few alerts here, about what will happen by continuing. So long as you do not put a check-mark in 'Delete Personal Settings', nothing will be deleted or un-installed. The reason to reset Internet Explorer this way is that some programs can change it's default settings in such a way that our software is no longer able to make the standard connection it needs in order to operate.----
Hosts File: If Internet Explorer cannot get to google.com at this point, a file named Hosts may have been changed; for this, please see the steps listed below for a possible correction. If your browser CAN connect to www.google.com, then skip down to the section on Checking Other Options.
1. Go to Start > Computer > C > Windows > System32 > Drivers > etc
2. Double-click the hosts file. If it does not open automatically, choose Notepad from the list of available programs.
3. There will be several lines that start with a # symbol; ignore those, and look at any line that does not start with a # symbol.
If you have Windows XP or Windows Vista, the only line of text that does not start with a # symbol should look like this:
# localhost
If you have Windows 7, there will be a few extra lines, as follows:
# local host name resolution is handled within DNS itself
# local host
# ::1 local host
If there is any other line of text that does not have a # at the start, it should be erased.
If you had to erase any lines to get your hosts file to match what is described here, then go to the file menu, choose Save, and then close the window.
From here, try re-opening the software, and see if it will connect to the internet. If it does not connect, exit the program, and continue to the next section.
While it has become increasingly rare, we have seen cases when using a dial-up connection, where an accelerator has gotten in the way. If you have a dial-up connection, we suggest to double-check if the program that you use to dial the modem also includes an accelerator.
Most accelerators will show up in one of three places:
1. As part of a toolbar on your web browser
Even if your web browser is not active, the accelerator can still be running, so make sure to start your web browser and double-check.
2. In the lower right-hand corner of your computer screen, with other running programs
For Windows XP users, make sure to click SHOW HIDDEN ICONS to make sure that all programs show up.
3. In the list of installed programs in the START menu
You should check all three of these places, as there is nothing to stop your computer from having more than one of this type of program installed. If you find anything with the word ACCELERATOR or WEB in the name in any of those three places, double-check if it is a web accelerator program. If it is, try disabling it and then using your program again.