To share your Club's information with all the club members, you first create your club, then invite all the members online. Each member receives the email invitation, reads it, and follows the instructions in it to set up their own user accounts, including their own usernames and passwords.
Here's how to send out the invitations:
Go to and sign in to your Club Accounting Online web page.
Click on the PEOPLE near the top of the page.
If the member's name is not already listed, click Add Member, on the left-hand side of the page.
If the member's name is listed, you can simply click Send Invitations, also on the left-hand side of the page.
Click Invite Online next to each member with an email address.
The invitation is on its way!
Let the member(s) know to check their email. Each member will receive a short automated message with a custom link to the web site. The link in the will look something like:
The link is good for one month from the time it's sent; if the member doesn't use it in that time, you can send another invitation.
The member can either click on the link in the email, or copy and paste the text of it into their web browser. Once they do, They will then reach the Club Accounting Online Login screen; if they already have a login and password for another site (Investor Advisory Service,, etc.) they can enter that. If they don't have a login and password, then they will need to set one up, on that page.
Once this is done, they will be able to sign in to the club at
A few important notes:
Most of the 'fun' user names are all ready taken, so it is probably best to use their own name or some combination of it. No spaces are allowed, so Ethel Mertz's username might be ethelmertz. John Smith would find out that johnsmith has already been taken, and might choose johnsmith400
The invitation is TIME SENSITIVE and will expire in 30 days. If a member does not set up their account in 30 days, return to the People page and click the RESEND link for the member in question. We recommend sending out the invitation right before the meeting.
If you see a Yes or a check-mark listed in the Online column, this then the member already has a login and password. If they do not remember thier login or password, Do Not send out a new invitation. Instead, use the reset/resend button in the right-hand Tools column, to send them a new password.
The invitation goes to a specific member at their email address and can not be used by any other member. If two people from the same household share an email address, one of them will need a new email address.
There is a link within the invitation that takes the respondee to the web server where they set up their own username and password. Passwords are CASE SENSITIVE and must be entered EXACTLY the same way each time the member logs on in the future.
Once the link has been used to set up the username and password, it no longer available. To sign in to the club the members must use the following web address: