Setting up

There are two steps involved in setting up an online club: (1) creating your user account and (2) creating your online club.

1) Creating your Club Accounting Online username and password

  • Go to
  • Click on Sign up today
  • In the Name field, enter YOUR name (not the name of the club)
  • In the Email field, enter your email address.
  • In the Username field, enter the username you would like. Note that this username is for you and you alone, not for the rest of the club. In addition, it must be unique. Chances are names like "George" and "John" are already taken. "George2112" or "JohnClubName" probably are open for you to use.
  • In the Password field, enter the password you would like. Keep in mind that the case, whether upper or lower case letters, is important in your creation of a password. Either case is fine, merely note how you create it. We recommend a password that is at least 8 characters long and hard to guess, for example, not your name, not your dog's name, not your birthday,etc.
  • Re-enter the password to confirm.
  • In the Security Question section, enter a question our system can automatically ask you if you lose your password. Ideally, the answer should be something only you know.
  • Read the terms of service
  • Check the box next to Yes, I have read and I agree to the preceding terms of service and understand the privacy policy.
  • Click Sign up

    You now have a new user account! It’s now time to create your online club.

2) Creating your Club Accounting Online web site

After you have finished creating your user account, you can create your online club. Please note that if you are creating a club for trial purposes, it will be the same club you purchase - don't go creating a new club when you want to purchase a subscription!

In the Your Clubs page, you should now have a club listed, the Demo Club. This is for demonstration purposes only. You get to create your own club.

  • Click form a new Club Accounting Online club to continue.
  • Enter your club's name, your Tax payer ID (EIN) number. The EIN is optional and can be entered later. Note that your club name, like your username, must be unique. Such names as Women of Worth and Women Investing Now have already been taken, but Profit Minders of Schenectady (at this time) has not.
  • Click Continue
  • Follow the on-screen instructions for getting your existing data into Club Accounting Online.

    You're done! You have a user account and an online club. To log in for the future, just go to and enter your username and password.

I have a club in Club Accounting Online, now how do I get my club members online?

You do not have to inform your club members of their passwords. Instead, you will need to issue an email invitation for each member, and in accepting the invitation and going through the sign-up process, each member will create his or her own user identity and password. You can do this after importing your data or on the left-hand column of the People page.

To invite your club members online:

  • Log in to your Club Accounting Online account at
  • Click on the red People tab at the top of the screen.
  • Next to each member's name should be the member’s email address. Click Invite Online to send the invitation.
  • If the member does not have an email address listed, click Edit Profile to enter the email address.
  • You have sent out the invitation. It is now up to the members to read their email, follow the instructions, and join you online. We recommend reminding members at the next meeting that you have just sent out their invitations.