Record a Buy of a Security

This page can be reached by clicking Buy in the left column or Record purchase of security in the main section of the Accounting > Securities page. Enter data into the appropriate boxes on the form

On this page, you will find the following fields and options:

Date: The date that the broker recorded the purchase of the security. With most transactions being handled by computer, this will usually be the same day that you put in the request to buy a stock.

Symbol: The ticker symbol of the stock the club is purchasing.

Symbol Lookup: If for any reason you are not certain of the ticker symbol for the stock, you can click on this link, and search for the correct company name and symbol. For more on this, please see the Symbol Lookup help page.

Shares: The number of shares the club is purchasing

Commission: If the broker charges a commission on the transaction, enter it here.

Service fee: If the club is charged a service fee, enter it here

Total Cost: Calculated by the system, this will be (Shares X Cost) + Commission + Fee

Price per share: The price of an individual share, calculated automatically based on the number of shares bought, and any commission or fee applied.

Account: Choose which account the money to purchase the stock was taken from.

Comments: These are not required, but can be useful if you need to re-check your records in the future.


Click Submit to go to the Transaction Description page.

Click Cancel to completely exit the transaciton.

Click Reset to clear the details of the transaction.