Create a new Valuation - Part One

What you need to know

Club Accounting Online uses Valuations to calculate the value of a unit and the value of the club. A valuation lists the price of a security on a specific date. For complete valuations to appear on valuation selection lists of reports needing valuations, you must enter the price per share of all securities owned on the valuation date.

While a valuation can be entered for any day of the month, our accounting system assumes that you will create a new valuation once a month (as determined by your clubs Partnership Agreement), and on December 31 of each year. The monthly valuations should be done as close to the meeting date as possible, or as specified by your club's partnership agreement. You must enter a December 31 valuation before you distribute the club's earnings.


Entering a new valuation:

On the first page of the valuation, simply enter the date you wish to value the stocks on.

Keep in mind that with our current price update system, you may not see end of day prices for a stock until 8pm Eastern time; if you are trying to get end of day prices for the day that you are creating the valuation, we do suggest that you double-check the prices that come up, with an outside source.


Click HERE to continue to Part Two