Energy Transfer Equity (ETE) merger with Energy Transfer Partners (ETP)

Energy Transfer Equity completed its merger with Energy Transfer Partners on 10/19/2018 for Energy Transfer Equity units. Energy Transfer Equity then changed its name and ticker symbol. The new name and symbol are Energy Transfer, LP (ET).

The SEC filing for this merger can be found through the Energy Transfer LP web site at:

Choose the DEFM14A filing of 9/11/18.

This transaction can be handled as a standard merger in the accounting system. The information below is based on the information available from the DEFM14A filed with the SEC. Price information is from websites offering historical prices.

Go to Transactions > Merger or Accounting > Securities > Record merger of securities depending on the version of the software being used. If you are unfamiliar with merger transactions you can get help at this URL:

Here is the information you need to complete the merger.

Date: 10/19/2018

Old Security or Merging Company: Energy Transfer Partners (ETP)

Price per share of old Security / ETP: Use last valuation, if needed

Cash received: See your broker statement for cash-in-lieu

New Security: Energy Transfer Equity (ET)

New Security Price: 16.96 (Opening price on 10/19/2018)

Shares received : 1.28 x (#of ETP shares owned)

(Remember to include fractional shares.)

 For example, if you owned 100 ETP shares, you should receive 1.28 x 100 = 128 ET shares.

Save the transaction and the merger has been entered.

NOTE: The SEC filings state that the tax consequences assumed are not definitive. Both companies received private law firm opinions concerning the tax treatment of this merger as a condition of the merger. It is possible the non-taxable “reorganization” claim of the companies involved could be challenged by the IRS. This transaction may need to be edited or deleted and re-entered to accommodate any change to the tax consequences of this merger due to IRS action.