Cause: Harris completed its merger with L3 on 7/1/2019 for Harris stock. The SEC filing for this merger can be found through the Harris web site at:
Choose the S-4/A filing of 12/14/2018. Harris then changes its name and ticker symbol to L3Harris (LHX). The name change mainly affects old Harris shareholders.
This can be entered as a standard merger. The information below is based on the information available from the S-4/A filed with the SEC. Price information is from websites offering historical prices. For the name change there are two options. Both options will be discussed.
The Merger Entry Go to Transactions > Merger or Accounting > Securities > Record merger of securities depending on the version of the software being used. If you are unfamiliar with merger transactions you can get help at this URL:
Here is the information you need to complete the merger.
Save the transaction and the merger has been entered.
Use the merger transaction and merge HRS into LHX. Keep the number of shares for HRS and LHX the same. The opening price of LHX on 7/1/19 was 189.76
In the past when a company changed its name and/or ticker symbol the historical prices of a company would follow the new ticker symbol. We received a report that this did not happen in a recent transaction. This would lead to club value changes for previous Valuation Statements. If you want to be sure this does not happen, use the merger option for the name change. Be aware that the return calculations on the Valuation Statement for LHX will start from the merger date not from the first purchase of Harris with merger option.