Siemens Healthineers completed its acquisition of Varian Medical Systems on April 15, 2021 in an all-cash transaction. Varian shareholders received $177.50 per share in cash in the merger. Account for this merger as a Sell transaction. The essential structure of the merger has Varian shareholders selling their shares to Siemens
The Sell Entry
Go to Transactions > Sell or Accounting > Securities > Record sale of security depending on the version of the software being used.
Here is the information needed for Varian Medical Systems shareholders to complete the sale (merger).
Date: 4/15/2021
Symbol : VAR (Varian Medical Systems)
Shares sold : Use the Sell All link to be sure all shares are sold
Sale Total : 177.5 x (# of shares sold).
For example, if you owned and sold 100 shares, enter 17750.00 (177.50 x 100)
Commissions and Fees: See your broker statement for any commissions or fees (such as a reorganization fee). Enter the sum of all commissions and fees
Save the transaction and the sale has been entered.