The main people page, or People Tab, takes you to a brief listing of all members, visitors, and former members and visitors.
The main part of the window on the People page shows a series of tabs, allowing you to swtich between seeing all members, Treasurers and Administrators.
For the purpose of this page, Treasurers are anyone who has the Record accounting information / receive renewal notices permission selected on their profile, and Administrators are anyone who have ALL of the permissions selected on their profile.
From here you can perform several functions:
The left hand column displays a club logo if one has been uploaded (, and allows you to Adjust your personal Preferences, Add a new member listing, Invite visitors, see outstanding invitations, and send new invites to club members.
If you see a former member's name listed on the People page, under the regular Members tab, please follow the steps on FAQ 1424, for steps on how to get them moved to the Former Members section of the page.
The Name and Email columns show a member image if one has been uploaded, as well as general inforamtion for members: name, address, club role (if selected on the Edit Member Profile page) and email, as well as providing links to other portions of the web site.
Members can upload profile pictures only for their own profiles, by clicking the Preferences link in the left-hand nav bar, or the icon in the far right-hand column, then the Upload picture link on their Preferences page. For more on this, check
The Online column shows a simple Check-mark or an X to indicate if a member has set up a login and password for the club.
If there is Check-mark in the online column, but the member does not remember a login or password, Do Not set up a new account. Instead, reset their password using the middle icon ( ) in the Tools column.
The Tools column will show several options, depending on the status of the member.
For your own profile, you will see buttons to Withdraw ( ), and to access your Preferences (
) .
For other members, you may also see:
Note that unless you are an administrator on the site and have specific access to edit member profiles or invite/eject members, you may not see all of these icons, or may be denied access to them.