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Support for Chapter Administrators, Investment Clubs, Teachers, Educators, and Software Trainers

ICLUBcentral supports BetterInvesting chapters and their volunteers in many ways to help them provide exceptional service and programming to BetterInvesting members.

Chapter Administrative Support

One way ICLUBcentral provides support to chapter administrators is by making our club accounting application available free to BetterInvesting chapter administrators. Chapters can now use the application at no charge to help them with chapter administration tasks. Here are some of the many excellent features in the application that can benefit chapter administrators.

  • A private, personalized website for your chapter and volunteers.
  • Multiple levels of access for officers, directors, and guests.
  • Club Watch List to host a friendly competition amongst chapter members.
  • Online voting tools allow ballots to be shared and tallied in between meetings, or for regular voting for online-only chapters. Ballots are archived for the chapter’s records.
  • 1 Gb file storage area for meeting agendas and minutes, chapter bylaws, articles, pictures, and more. Easy download of all chapter files in a single ZIP file for local backup.
  • Email-compatible private and customizable chapter message boards for chapter announcements, discussions, and other chapter business.
  • Chapter calendar to schedule meetings, add deadlines, and keep track of chapter activities.

Please click here to take advantage of this offer.

Education and Training Support

Successful investing starts with education. And whether you're a teacher, investment club education officer, software instructor or anyone else involved in teaching groups about investing, ICLUBcentral wants to help you with the task.

Here's a summary of the resources available for educators from ICLUBcentral:

  • Free software and support for Model Investment Clubs. ICLUBcentral provides free software and other resources for BetterInvesting Chapter model investment clubs.
  • Speakers for events. Depending on the size of your event, ICLUBcentral can arrange for dynamic speakers to attend your event. For BetterInvesting Chapter events, ICLUBcentral will pay travel expenses for its speakers. We can also arrange telephone conference calls and webinars with our team of experts.
  • Door prizes. We can offer free software for use as door prizes for attendees to add a splash of excitement to your event.
  • Software and software assistance. We want your software demonstrations to go smoothly. Contact us with any questions about the programs.
  • Priority customer support. Helping you to look good makes us look good! Visit the web site link below to submit a request for help or ask for more information, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!

Contact ICLUBcentral with any questions or to take advantage of any of these offers .

Resources for BetterInvesting Volunteers

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What's New

Don't Do That!

There are many "best practices" presentations on how to run your club. This presentation focuses on the worst practices. New and established groups should review this presentation to avoid mistakes made by investment clubs!


Our newly-revised easy to understand walk-though of the most popular online investment club accounting software in the world.

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